Bus Route


If your child is going home on a different bus, please phone the school or send a note advising of this, otherwise they will continue on transport arrangements as usual.


1st Morning Bus Times
Leaves Depot 7.55am
Travels along SH1 to Ruapekapeka Road, Arrives at Ford Road 8.20am
Travels along SH1 onto Towai Road  
Arrvies at School  
2nd Morning Bus Times
Goes along Callaghan Road, Inkster/Horahora Intersection 8.40am
Returns to School  
Afternoon Bus Times
Leaves school 2.40pm
Travels along SH1 to Ruapekapeka Road, Arrives at Ford Road 3.10pm
Travels along SH1 onto Towai Road  

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EJ AUTO Repairs LTD - Maromaku School

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